User Portlet User Portlet

Thank Arnoud, please let me know after the problem has been fixed . I am looking forward to it. In additon,licesedCores are 16,,,,.![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Dear all, I faced the trouble that I could not launch the subkernels. Wolfram Desktop recognized multicore, but could not launch subkernels. Please suggest me the solution of this problem. Best regard. KOBUNA Yukihiro![enter image description...
Dear all , Do you know where the details of how to use the "Use custom launch command" of "Remote Kernels" is written? Please tell me if you know. Regard. KOBUNA_Yukihiro
Dear all I got Banana_Pi. And I want to use Mathematica on this board. But,I could not to find how to activate. If you know the way to activate on this board,please tell me. Thank you.
I wrote launch command for parallel computing on RPi cluster.But,I have some problems yet. Environment:Master:Win7Slave:Raspberry Pi *4 LaunchSlave["root@", "ssh -n `1` \"math -mathlink -linkprotocol TCP -linkmode Connect -linkname `2`...
Do you want to do like this case?
Dear All I successed many Mathematica Remote Kernels on Raspberry Pi from Win and Mac. Next I want to try parallel computing in this environment. But, I couldn't find  linkname. Anyone know how to search the linkname? Please suggest and help me. My...