User Portlet User Portlet

How do I download the DatasetAndApply.nb?
Time to first byte (TTFB) refers to the time between the browser requesting a page and when it receives the first byte of information from the server. It may vary a lot if the content is a static asset (images, pdf, zip, style and javascript files)...
Yes, here in Italy the situation is almost fine. As a neighbour country (Italy, Spain and Greece share a similar climate, culture and economical situation), I'm really sorry for Greece. The Greek economic crisis, in my opinion wasn't managed in a...
Do you have any small hint or also a suggestion on how to reformulate the question?
Each of these notebooks is failing in one way or in the other. The official one from Wolfram plays nicely but inside all that code I can't understand where the function is defined and how to extract only it. Loess_enhanched.nb can't find a list...
Thanks, this is really what I was looking for
Thank you very much! I'm glad to see that you are also from Italy, I had a glance at your web site and let me congratulate. It's really interesting and impressive.
What's the meaning of this part? /. {dt_String, numbers__? NumericQ} :> {DateObject[{dt, {"Day", ".", "Month", ".", "Year"}}], numbers};