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test = {"6/1/1990", "6/4/1990", "6/5/1990", "6/6/1990"} ; result = Map[ DateList[{#,{"Day","Month","YearShort"}}]&, test ] result[[;;,1;;3]]
Hi, it is a notation for (partial) derivatives, try this: Derivative[1,0,0][Hypergeometric1F1] D[Hypergeometric1F1[x,y,z],x]
To match 0 and 1 exponents for monomials you could multiply the whole expression by a general monomial, e.g. : list = Flatten[Table[x ^i y^j z^k, {k, 0, 2}, {j, 0, 2}, {i, 0, 2}]] list x^p y^p z^p /. x^a_ y^b_ z^c_ :> f[a, b, c] /. p ->...
Hi Hans, use the email given in the package, send `$Version` and your data as well. I.M.
Use integration or CDF: NIntegrate[PDF[ChiSquareDistribution[4], x], {x, 0, 10}] CDF[ChiSquareDistribution[4], 10] // N I.M.
Hi, if your integrand is given in terms of S and S is not defined yet, then you could set the coefficient of S to zero: expr = a S + b S^2 ; expr = Collect[expr,S] /. Coefficient[expr,S] -> 0 or expr = a S + b S^2 ; expr =...
Try this: list = {x1 >= 0, x2 >= 0, x3 >= 0, 2 x1 >= x2, 2 x3 >= x2, 2 x1 + x2
You can define Cwater as a function of temp. : Cwater = QuantityMagnitude[ ThermodynamicData[ "Water", "ThermalConductivity", {"Temperature" ->Quantity[#, "Kelvins"]} ] ] & ; (*...
Hi, Take a look at **tutorial/NDSolveOverview** in documentation. **ODE Integration Methods** section in particular. I.M.
Yes, sorry, I removed tf = t, if kept the code produce wrong domain. This modification gives correct domain and tf (the plot is still wrong): eqs = {r''[t] == -{0, 1}, r'[0] == {2, 3}, r[0] == {0, 0}, WhenEvent[r[t][[2]]