User Portlet User Portlet

Ian Ford
Yes, the [`"BinaryTree"`][1], [`"AVLTree"`][2], and [`"RedBlackTree"`][3] data structures each support an `"InOrderScan"` operation. [1]: [2]:...
Thanks for the explanation. If NestGraph gives a non-tree for a given function and initial value, NestTree would still give a tree but would have duplicate branches, so I see why it makes sense to first build a graph.
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
For odd n, n is followed by 3n + 1, which is then followed by (3n + 1) / 2. My original comment skipped the intermediate 3n + 1 and went straight to (3n + 1) / 2, so the reverse direction also skipped from n = (3m + 1) / 2 to m = (2n - 1) / 3, which...
Absolutely worth asking! I may submit a function to the Wolfram Function Repository to make these kinds of traversal order visualizations.
-17 characters: r=RandomChoice;b=Black;ArrayPlot[Array[(f=#^2+#2^2;Which[f 10]
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Hello all! I am excited to present "Tree Representation for XML, JSON and Symbolic Expressions" for the livestream tomorrow, 12 October 2022. The presentation will cover tree construction and representation, visualization, properties and...
This is an interesting project. Have you checked out [ExpressionLineDiff][1] in the Wolfram Function Repository? You may be able to get some ideas from it. From example 7 it looks like you are representing diffs in the head as a list of diffs....
If you want to prevent any kind of evaluation in the input or output, you could use some kind of wrapper to do that for you: ``` In[1]:= SetAttributes[Formula, HoldAll]; ``` Then define your function to act on expressions with head `Formula`:...