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> On the other hand the WolframLibraryData::Message function does not require the function name to be passed. It some how magically figures this. I don't think this is the case, when you call libData -> Message(), the messages are always issued...
> After uninstalling and purging the package, I cannot even reinstall it: 11.3 is back in the official repo, so this should work now
The web4robot company and web site are defunct, but here is a copy of that ReadMe.pdf in case it is useful.
The machine was a 16-core/32-thread Linux box with 384 GB of RAM, running Kim Wallisch's parallel implementation of the Deleglise-Rivat algorithm (mentioned, but not benchmarked in the linked paper).
Version 11.3 for the Raspberry Pi was released a week ago. You should be able to upgrade via the usual sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wolfram-engine and this is a [direct...
The general linear algebra performance has been improved considerably in the recent 11.3.0 Raspberry Pi release while still maintaining ARMv6 compatibility. This will be reflected as a corresponding improvement in the Benchmark[] results.
Try something like In[1]:= var3 = 2; In[2]:= ToExpression[#, InputForm, OwnValues] & /@ Names["var*"] Out[2]= {{HoldPattern[var3] :> 2}} In[3]:= Attributes[checkName] = HoldAll; checkName[x_] :=...
If pfun is the ParametricFunction, try Part[pfun["Creator"], 1, 2]
It is available in both, actually. The component is called "Windows 8.1 SDK and UCRT SDK" ![enter image description here][1] [1]:
Try using exact numbers in the input and increasing the WorkingPrecision for Plot, e.g.![enter image description here][1] [1]: