User Portlet User Portlet

It is something from, that intend to minimize the number of variables. The problem is the usage of ``Solve". I know how to solve equations,...
Here, I want to simplify the polynomial P1 P1 == \[Beta] (\[Omega]1 l2 + \[Omega]2 l1) + 2 \[Gamma] \[Omega]1 \[Omega]2 + k1 (\[Omega]2 + 4 k2^3) + k2 (\[Omega]1 + 4 k1^3) + 6 k1^2 k2^2 + 6 l1 l2 + (k1^4 + k2^4 + k1...
Firstly, I have proved \[Gamma] = \[Beta]^2/12 is one of the solutions of (A12 P312 + A13 P213 + A23 P123)/P123123 + A12 A13 A23==0 In[1]:= \[Gamma] = \[Beta]^2/12; l1 = 1/6 (Sqrt[\[Beta]^2 \[Omega]1^2 - 12 \[Gamma] \[Omega]1^2 - ...
Firstly, the Mathematica code is given as ``` A = -2/3000; F = (7 Sinh[\[Xi] - 0.3 t])/(30 Cosh[\[Xi] - 0.3 t]) - ( 23 Sinh[\[Xi] - 0.3 t])/(60 (Cosh[\[Xi] - 0.3 t])^3) + ( 7 Sinh[\[Xi] - 0.1 t])/(15 Cosh[\[Xi] - 0.1 t]) - ( 23...
Firstly, the MATLAB programme is t = 0; A = 2; c1 = 1; c2 = 1; c = 1/25; omega = 2; [xi,eta]=meshgrid(-5:0.1:5,-4:0.1:6); P =...
Here, I intend to plot a 3D picture of ![enter image description here][1] with two implicit functions ![enter image description here][2] where x, y, t, \xi, \eta, are variables. Of course, these variables can be constrained to certain...