User Portlet User Portlet

Thank you for your webinar presentation today, [@Phileas Dazeley-Gaist][at0]. Looking forward to the Ecological Research Colloquium on April 26 with guest speakers from academia, including [@Jerome Goddard II][at1], [@Gareth Russell][at2], [@Zhijie...
Looking forward to tomorrow's featured artisanal calculus talks about minimal surfaces by [@Ed Pegg][at0] and Beukers' Integral by Shenghui Yang. Be sure to [sign up][1] to get a link to the recording, if you can't attend the live session. [at0]:...
[@David Snyder][at0], the $50 promo offer is good through June 30, 2024. [at0]:
Wolfram U is pleased to welcome Seth Chandler as featured speaker at an author talk on Friday, December 8, 12pm CT. It's free and online! See details and reserve your spot here:...
[@Phil Earnhardt][at0], you're correct, we mixed up our tagging system for Wolfram Daily Study Groups. The community tag has usually referenced the year, but we also use WSG code numbers (mostly internally) to track our Study Groups in the order they...
Looking forward to the start of this Daily Study Group on Monday!
Wolfram U is thrilled to announce that [@Tom Sherlock][at0] will give a talk on October 6 about this Community post and analysis using images from the James Webb Space Telescope, at our upcoming Data Science Friday webinar series. Sign up [here][1]....
Much thanks to the wonderful participation we enjoyed with this group! Quiz results have been determined with sharable links sent to everyone who earned their completion certificate. Congratulations! If you weren't notified and have specific...
Wolfram U is looking forward to starting this Daily Study Group on Monday, along with [@Daniel Robinson][at0]. Seats are still available! [Sign up here][1]. [at0]: [1]:...
Hi [@Bob Renninger][at0]. Yes, the exam has been added to the framework! Please send bug reports to Thank you! [at0]: