User Portlet User Portlet

Very nice simulation. In many many pursuit, a key question is whether the pursuers are able to coordinate in any fashion. It is clearly not optimal for each pursuer to just aim towards the nearest pursuee. "Zombies" aren't going to coordinate, but...
The initials from the paper are a[1] = 1, b[1] = 1/Sqrt[2]. But I don't see that converging to Pi as you have things, so there is apparently some other conceptual confusion involved...
Here is how I do it - VO = FinancialData["VO", {2004,6,26}]; But you can also use the "Value" option of the FinancialData function to drop the dates. If you only want the daily returns, you can ask for the "FractionalChange" property - the...
This is an example of using SmoothKernelDistribution to model stock price returns as discussed in the thread. To download Mathematica notebook: [url=]CLICK HERE[/url] [b] Get some stock data for IBM over the last...
First, you have some unbalanced parentheses in the typed expression above, making it difficult to be sure we are working with the same function.  I put the extra needed closing parens where I thought they were needed, but you will know better where...
First I just wanted to clean up the presentation, using a single Manipulate to show the supply and demand functions you have posited and the way the parameters control them. [mcode]Demand[time_, propogationtime_]:=  1/(1+Exp[-time/propogationtime]} ...