User Portlet User Portlet

Jason Biggs
Outstanding work! I wonder if it is possible to also reproduce black hole image from *interstellar*, at least to some extent, probably not that perfect as the tremendous CGI rendering in the movie. The computation would guide a reader to the...
Hi everyone, and thanks to all of you who are still using Crystallica so many years later! I'm happy you've found it useful. This reply is for everyone who had problems with lattice planes in Mathematica 12, and I'm very sorry I haven't been able to...
@duanek - you can access Wolfram|Alpha from Mathematica with something like the following, ``` WolframAlpha["UNS S31600 resistivity"] ``` There you should find everything you find on the website. In particular the "Result" pod contains the data...
If you just want to trim padded 0's use ``` InputForm[a, NumberMarks->False] ``` That will yield 1.23 without changing a.
It is working for me on a Mac with version 12.1.1
That is amazing. Thank you, Jason. It really inspires me. And, thanks a lot for your offer. Sure, I will ask you in the future if I stumble some challenges that I can't overcome.
Version 3.0 of MoleculeViewer has just been released. Altho version 12 now has `MoleculePlot3D[]`, the method for depicting multiple bonds in `MoleculeViewer[]` is markedly different. (The package also remains useful for older versions without...
There is a scientific [Easy unit converter][1] helps you convert mass conversion, Engineering conversion. [1]:
Use `Row` to join non-string characters: Row[{Subscript["C", 6], Subscript[Style["H", Blue], 14]}] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Michael, thank you. In general, this is a very interesting approach to solving the problem of the dynamics of atoms and molecules.