User Portlet User Portlet

Thanks for inquiring. My password is embedded in the string so I am not going to share it. Since WebExecute appears to work with various public sites I assume private sites have gates which complicate WebExecute access. As a workaround I've created a...
Hi Cary, I had been thinking there might be some way to set up a multi-leg spread position within one FinancialDerivative[...] call since I had and continue to set up individual FinancialDerivative[...] calls for each position. Reviewing the call...
John, does this include the browser in a chromebook?
Very helpful even a year later. When you add typesetting and evaluate in TraditionalForm the iteration pattern becomes very clear. Thanks test[3] // TraditionalForm // Style[TableForm[#], Bold, Blue] &
@Nasser, thanks that did it.