User Portlet User Portlet

Joel Klein
This is a quick way to make yourself a weekly reminder that emails you Friday morning at 8 o'clock, using Wolfram Cloud: ``` task=CloudDeploy[ ScheduledTask[ SendMail[{"It's a great day to not push to production","Have a great...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
There are many cases where you might want to run code that works on all cloud objects in an entire cloud object directory tree: * apply permissions to all files in a cloud directory * count all files in a cloud directory * add up the total...
Building on the electoral votes data in [][1], we can make an election night watcher. The idea here is to start with a balance of states that are expected vote one party or the other, leaving a list...
If you want to do some programming with US electoral votes, you will need to start with the basic state-to-electoral vote data. In this cloud notebook, I show how you can import this data and work with it: ...
Given: contents of a text file, which may have Unix or Windows line endings, as a byte list Task: compute the line count Example: bytes={65, 13, 10, 66, 67, 13, 10} I thought Count[bytes, PatternSequence[13,10]] might do the trick,...
If f takes 2 arguments, is either of these pattern match forms faster? f[x_,___] := expr or f[x_,_] := expr 
I want to remove lines of text that match a pattern. I'm not sure why the first line is not matched by the replacement rule here: StringReplace["x \na", {"x" ~~ (Except[EndOfLine] ...) ~~ EndOfLine -> ""}]If I have this shorter...
I want to produce the standard range of camera f-stops in a tidy way in Mathematica, and this is pretty close: In[29]:= Table[Floor[Sqrt[2^n], 0.1], {n, 1., 10.}] Out[29]= {1.4, 2., 2.8, 4., 5.6, 8., 11.3, 16., 22.6, 32.}However, I...