User Portlet User Portlet

Jesse Friedman
Here's a fun Manipulate for exploring Moiré patterns: Manipulate[ Overlay[{graphic, Rotate[graphic, r Degree]}, Alignment -> offset], {{dimension, 10, "Dimension"}, 5, 200, 1}, {{r, 5, "Rotation"}, 0, 200},...
Your problem occurs because the series of If statements are only evaluated once, when the dialog window is initially made. Here, I replace them with a single Switch statement inside a Dynamic, so it's evaluated every time something changes. ...
Could you run `Union@Flatten@listClust` just to make sure there are only 1s and 2s in the output? Also, try ArrayPlot[listClust, ColorRules -> {1 -> White, 2 -> Black}].
Sorry, I assumed your data would be in a computer-readable format. Try this: wordsByDate4= Dataset[Function[ DateObject[#[[1]]], "words" -> ToString /@ ToExpression[#[[2]]]|>][ StringSplit[#, " "]] & /@ ...
Yes, I believe it is the MessageDialog. Here's a version that should work, provided you have the latest version of CDF player: Manipulate[ Column[{Labeled[ NumberLinePlot[{n}, PlotRange -> {{-6, 6}, {-1, 1}}, Ticks ->...
A .m file would actually allow you to store native semantic data, but I can see why you'd want to use a SQL database. For the example you provided, it should be easy to use a few customized DatabaseLink commands to export the data into your schema. I...
I posted a reply to [this thread][1] about 40 minutes ago. When I checked on it later, I discovered the username of my response was changed to "Updating Name": ![screenshot of response with my name as "Updating Name"][2] I haven't the slightest...
frequency = 360/GoldenRatio/GoldenRatio*1000*1000/60/60; period = 1/frequency This is an extremely basic question, as the period (in seconds) of a given frequency (in hertz) is simply 1/frequency. I suggest you find a forum dedicated to...
Documents saved via File > Save to Wolfram Cloud are uploaded to the Programming Cloud servers. All other documents are saved locally to your computer.
Could you post the contents of the file? You provided a local link to a file served from your computer.