User Portlet User Portlet

John Fultz
I reproduced the problem and put together a fix for it that should land in 13.3. In the mean time, you might be able to avoid the problem by selecting the cell, doing Format->Clear Formatting (which will destructively remove your styling...
Thanks a lot Moderation Team!
As pointed out elsewhere, Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 in 2020. We continued to support it with our latest releases until the 12.2 release in December, 2020. Although 12.2 didn't officially support Windows 7, it didn't actively break...
Aha, thanks, looks like I just needed plain old ImageResize. So the workflow for exporting [2x graphics]( is to Rasterize at 4x pixels, Export or...
Good Morning: Thank you for your suggestion. It worked like a charm. I can now continue working through the various tutorials. William
I think Henrik captured the essence of the issue. Unless there is a strong foundation, syntax sugar is irrelevant.
Thanks John I’ll look forward to the fix. Ken
This is awesome!
Since this question became interesting in two other conversations recently, I am uploading here the slightly modified version of the style file, in which the above suggestions/solutions are implemented.
> Though maybe in nearest future people will have numerous IoT devices, smart houses with embedded monitoring, etc. to accumulate a wealth of data. I hope we will NOT! - What a nightmare!