User Portlet User Portlet

Jesus Hernandez
Is something like the following on the right track? ro = ResourceObject["General Topology EntityStore"]; store = ResourceData[ro, "EntityStore"]; PersistentValue["GeneralTopologyEntityStore"] = store; Then Quit[] ...
When you want targeted functionality that just seems like it would be very complicated to fish out of the results from the Wolfram|Alpha API, I would suggest creating your own instant API using Wolfram Language and deploying it to the Wolfram Cloud. ...
The Wolfram Language function `AbsoluteTime` counts the number of seconds from Jan 1, 1900, while UNIX time is the number of seconds from Jan 1,1970. You can convert pretty easily with the following: DateList[1409855505 +...
If you mouse over the gray circle with the "*i*" it gives more information about the trial version. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=Untitled-1.png&userId=21548
If you are looking for something different than the given configurations, a Private Cloud (which is fully customizable) is certainly an option.
Are you thinking about the case where you will not / cannot allow access to your database outside of your local network?
Hello Dave and Peter, I would recommend checking out this [post][1]. I hope we can address both of these situations within that discussion. [1]:
While the launch of the Programming Cloud is quite exciting, there will nevertheless be some kinks that need to get worked out. We believe that this sign-in issue is caused when certain information has not been correctly associated with a Wolfram ID....
First I checked the value of Sqrt[2] Pi^(3/2) / Gamma[1/4]^2 which actually evaluated to: 0.59907 which is not quite what the paper says. I also noticed that the paper is using **K** and **E** to denote the complete elliptic integrals...
If you want to use Manipulate, you could use something like the following (using ControlType -> None): [mcode]Manipulate[ Column[{Dynamic@Plot[Sin[(a^b*x)], {x, 0, 6}], Dynamic@Plot[Sin[(a*x)], {x, 0, 6}], Row[{Control[{a, 1, 10, ImageSize...