User Portlet User Portlet

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll
If you solve indefine integral: sol = Integrate[? (? + 2 ?t)/(? + ?t)^2 Exp[-?/?c] Cos[2 ? ? ?]^2,v] sol2 = sol // Simplify (* 1/4 (E^(-(?/?c) + 4 I ? ? ?) (?t^2/(? + ?t) + ?c/(-1 \ + 4 I ? ?c ?)) + ( ...
Ok, whatever glitch happened with Timing, it is gone :-/ but I am still unable to use it in my program. See, what I attempt to do:[mcode]SetAttributes[MyTime, HoldAll]; MyTime[expression_, prefix_: "expression"] := Block[{text = "Time for " ...