User Portlet User Portlet

Jesse Dohmann
Hmm, yeah. I think you're probably right. I ran the same code in an 11.1 notebook and everything worked fine. Though that doesn't surprise me, since there've been some significant updates to functions (from what I can see/work with, primarily options...
Hah! I always seem to forget about those unique Wolfram Language functions that would make my life easier...iterating over strings is only intuitive and easy for me because it's a pretty standard technique across languages (probably for performance...
[![enter image description here][1]][2] We are [**excited to announce**][2] the release of Wolfram Player for iOS! Now you can harness the power of the Computable Document Format (CDF) anytime, anywhere. Wolfram Player syncs up with other apps on...
I am taking a statistical mechanics course this semester, and one of our homework sets focused on counting statistics, since they are foundational to the topic of stat mech. Because I've had a lot more exposure to probability than most other physics...
This is a very helpful description of what exactly `ScheduledTask` is doing, thank you. Using [@Dylan Boliske][at0] 's suggestion of `AutoRefreshed` should let me store information: AutoRefreshed[csv, "Hourly", "CloudCDF"] I am not sure...
Sure, [here is the link to the database][1] for you to try as the first argument for `APIFunction` (If you need to get to the actual *Neo4j* frontend, just delete everything after ~7474 in the URL). For the query, try this one as a test: MATCH...
Hi, Jeffrey! When I evaluated your code in my *Mathematica* notebook, things worked out just fine: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=ScreenShot2015-10-03at9.08.36PM.png&userId=515558 Is there...
An area of interest of mine that I explored more in-depth at the [Wolfram Summer School][1] recently was probabilistic cellular automata. Currently, the CellularAutomaton function is rule based, and these rules represent distinct deterministic...
Graphics3D[ Cuboid /@ Position[CellularAutomaton[{123214, {7, 1}, {1, 1}}, {{{1}}, 0}, 10], 1], ViewVertical -> {-1, 0, 0}, Background -> RGBColor[0.84, 0.92, 1.]] ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...