User Portlet User Portlet

Jean-Michel Charles Collard-Richard
Hello all , This is not really a post but a question. Sorry. I spent my weekend trying to solve IDE and the simplest to my mind : f'=f o f I haven't got any idea what to begin with.... There *are* analytic solutions I'm pretty sure of...
Hello all, On Mathematica CLI les characters {[|\]} don't work. I already had that in the past and there was a trick which I do not remember. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Jean-Michel
Hello all, where do I send the results of my Mathematica file where there is the result of my Benchmark (I arrives first with my Ryzen 9) I don"t know how to use Mathematica. StockExhange I am lame :) Any help would be appreciated. Thank you...
Hello all :) CUDA is not working on 12.2. Look at this: What I am supposed to do? I also tried by downloading the CUDA packlets: change nothing. I have an NVIDIA RTX 3090 and the drivers are ok. Thank you foe helping me. Regards to all, ...
Hello people :) Just ran the Benchmark with 12.1.1 and look up the results. Fulgurant! Config: AMD Ryzen 9 128 Go RAM NVidia RTX 3090 24 Go RAM I'm happy and wanted let you know. Jean-Michel Beenchmark Result : 2.93 (geez)
Hello all, I'm looking for a book on Mathematica. It's "The Ins and Outs of Mathematica". I'm ready to pay up to 50€/$ ( including packing and postage) for this book whatever its state. I've tried Amazon US...Amazon UK..Amazon France with no...
Hello Mathematica'ers, I have been thinking for years about a feature which would be great to add to Mathematica. (Or I'm so silly (not to say stupid), it already does exist) (User of Mathematica since V1.1.a). Is there a way to send graphics...
Hello, I know #(Slot) and ##(SlotSequence) but what is ### ? Have a good day all, Jean-Michel
Hello all, I attach a very small notebook consisting of only one line. Why does Mathematica returns 2 solutions, clearly the first "solution" is not a solution. Best, JMC
Hello all , What is really wrong in this "program" (apart my brain) ? Why the Null return? Merci :) JMC