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Making an animated gif image with Manipulate or Animate I couldn't do (Can anyone?). But I did it with the Table and Export functions. Now the attached image is on my Moodle page working! ![enter image description here. Anyone want the code in...
How can we export this example, or another similar one, with Export, in a gif file to look like it on my Moodle page?
How can we export this example, with Export, in a gif file to look the same on my Moodle page?
Hello ; attached, the first test
Obrigado. Funciona para os novos Notebook!
![some triangles with a vertex in the graph of a function][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=graph02.gif&userId=158937
Another exemple that I would like to put on my Moodel page so that anyone can change value of "abcissa de P".  How to do this? Thanks for the help!
I liked the page! How do you get dynamic images (made ??with Animate or Manipulate functions) on the page? I wanted for months to put that construction on my page Moodle.
teta = 2 Pi/3; r = 0.3; arc = {Arrowheads[0.05],    Arrow[Table[r*{Cos[phi], Sin[phi]}, {phi, 0, teta, Pi/32}]]}; Graphics[{Line[{{r, 0}, r {Cos[teta], Sin[teta]}}], arc,   Circle[{0, 0}, r]}]