User Portlet User Portlet

Well i am not convinced yet. As there are many unclear things. Can you write a program (better a replacement rule based) which generates such a graph as you are thinking? Could you also proof algebraically that a left and up movement results in a...
Yes. This forum is cursed. I had threads vanish ... just to reclaim them later. Maybe it becomes necessary to look into alternative places.
Heureka. The solution was discovered thanks to Malthe Andersen who had an inspired solution in this thread: ![enter image description here][1] However you still got the problem of long tails....
> The ratios such as 1:3 indicate how Two girds are connected to each other such as A and B. Since arcsin(1/3) is irrational w.r.t pi you could just keep on using 1:3 to connect grid C to B and so on to keep the rotation going. Ahh, i thought you...
> I am sorry for the unclarity. Actually, I just wanted to find a way to > package a sub-network as a node and see what properties will the new > net have. So you are having problems finding tooling to reshape graphs? The tooling of WFPP is...
If it wasn't obvious, they way you construct the Hyper Graph can impact performance and potentially the result to. Timing[WolframModel[{{1,2,1}, {5, 6}, {5}} -> { {1,11},{2,12}, ...
It is not obvious to me how you would connect grids like that. (So far i failed to construct grids but that's a different problem). You have nothing in which you can measure an angle, so you can't identify which nodes of different grids should be...
> Which would raise the question of what a graph for a given rule would have to look like in order to lead to a split. And then again, how large that split would be. Possibly, only certain structures can be split off? Maybe, it has something to do...