User Portlet User Portlet

Is there any way to have a custom label generator? This seems to sometimes work better, but can be temperamental. ListLinePlot[Table[{x, 2 Sin[x] + x}, {x, 0, 50, 1}], LabelingFunction -> (Placed[#1[[1]], Tooltip] &), ...
Great presentation on the labeling framework! Has the notebook been uploaded for sharing?
It still looks buggy! SetAccuracy[{.123456, .987654, .00002}, 5] + 1 // FractionalPart ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Apparently there was an issue at the mail hosting service so port numbers changed. It would be nice to see more diagnostic information in the error message. This post gives a nice alternative to SendMail (for future reference). ...
Thanks for the hardware recommendations - I will look for a good GPU solution. Also, the reinforcement learning sessions sound very interesting.
Can Wolfram provide a link to download the notebook for this live coding session? The content was excellent!