User Portlet User Portlet

John Cromwell
Many thanks! Greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to adjust the size of the interactive graphic output by DynamicGeoGraphics. While the documentation states that this function uses the same directives as Graphics, manipulating the ImageSize directive seems to do nothing. Here is sample...
The Mathematica documentation gives this example of exporting an HTMLFragment using the "TemplateEnvironment" options: SystemOpen @ Export[ "cellaut.html", ArrayPlot[CellularAutomaton[30, {{1}, 0}, 50], Frame -> False], ...
Thanks Alec! I'll take a look at that project. What I was hoping for was some functionality in the Wolfram language for aggregating the optimized parameters from multiples of the same model that have been trained independently on separate sets of...
Thanks so much! This is exactly what I was trying to accomplish. John
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