User Portlet User Portlet

Jonathan Kinlay
Thanks Bob. Two excellent solutions here. Much appreciated.
Thanks Clayton!
Moderator Note: this post was highlighted on the Wolfram's official social media channels. Thank you for your contribution. We are looking forward to your future posts. - [Twitter][1] - [Facebook][2] [1]:...
Jonathan, this is an interesting task, but you say: > The direct attempt to find the limit of sum of series doesn’t succeed, ... If I try that on my system $Version (* Out: "12.3.1 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (June 24, 2021)" *) I...
Rafal, Thanks for the further detailed explanation. I've been experiencing some difficulty creating HDF5 files in WL and reading them into Python, and vice-versa. If you happened to have a couple of canned examples of how the function...
The point, of course, is not to win the Mathematica one-liner competition. That's just a benchmark - I see it as a kind of mini Turing test in Computer Science. The ultimate goal is to see if we can create an engine that can program itself to...
What David Park writes is totally sensible: the built-in Mathematica syntax for graphics has definite limitations, especially for the newbie (and sometimes for the expert, too). As to his example with the disappearing `Tex`t given in the `Epilog`...
Thanks a lot to the @Wolfram Moderation Team for providing me this badge and Featuring me on Contributor board.
Another excellent implementation!
Does anyone know of any (worthwhile) examples of iOS apps created for Wolfram Player? I've played around with it a little, enough to discover that, with the exception of textbook apps, most CDF-apps are virtually unusable, at least on my iPhone. ...