User Portlet User Portlet

Jon McLoone
Let me re-word that last line to "I beleive that the outcomes that I listed cover the key elements of proof construction do you disagree?" One of the things that we debated at length as we worked on these was the role of proof in maths. If you...
Or you could Append that condition to the list of conditions that your Thread statement generetes then And @@ would apply to it. At the moment it means (p0>0) * (And@@Thread[... )
The code that I wrote should (in pricinple) just work in 3D since EuclideanDistance and Norm work with any dimensions. Just re-write fn
Building on the experience of our US based consulting operation, I wanted to let you know that Wolfram Research Europe is now also able to provide a range of technical services, from quick start solutions and training courses, to custom consulting...
Isn't this just InverseLaplaceTransform[f[s], s, 1.]
Try indexing the frames and interpolating... fn = Interpolation[Transpose[{Range[Length[motionPlan]], motionPlan}]]; At the indexes it will match the data... In[2]:= fn[1] Out[12]= {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.} In[3]:= fn[2] Out[3]= {3.4,...
If you missed the recent Wolfram Technology Conference, you have another chance to hear from some of our developers attending [Wolfram Virtual Technology Conference 2014][1] that will air on Thursday, November 13th. I'll be starting it off...
One simple technique would be to find a distribution that is fairly independent of trading strategy and then do DistributionFitTest[expectedDist, observedDist] The expected distribution might be an EmpiricalDistribution established from past data,...