User Portlet User Portlet

Jose Martin-Garcia
Riccicd[-a, -b] is a symbolic object, like Riccilc[-a, -b]. You have a rule that relates two tensors, the Christoffels, but xTensor will not attempt to compute relations for other tensors. This would be difficult, and depend on assumptions about...
Yes, Mollweide is also a good choice, indeed. Thanks for the new maps!
If you work with tensor fields in Physics or Differential Geometry, join us tomorrow to celebrate 20 years of xAct, a collection of packages for efficient tensor computer algebra in Wolfram Language: ...
Very interesting map! It's a great idea to connect the maximum eclipse locations as you did with the dashed lines.
Hi, GeoPosition is indeed slower than DateObject, but not as much as you seem to find. For example here we find a factor five: In[1]:= AbsoluteTiming[DateObject /@ RandomInteger[10, {42000, 3}];] Out[1]= {0.096223, Null} In[2]:=...
Equivalently, In[]:= Total[PolygonalNumber /@ Range[22]] Out[]= 2024
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
For large objects in the Solar System, the North pole is the pole that is to the North of the ecliptic (as determined by Earth's North pole). For small objects it is recently more common to use the right hand rule, and then one typically speaks of...
We currently don't have built-in access to satellite imagery by specific date. Our satellite imagery is obtained via Mapbox, and they do not give information about the date in which each image was taken (as far as I know), so we cannot pass along...
I can explain that difference: When the first argument of GeoGraphics or DynamicGeoGraphics contains several point-locations then we show a map of a region that contains all those locations, with a bit (say around 10%) of padding. The same thing...