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Please find attached a Mathematica notebook that demonstrates the CloudDeploy of a FormPage for an online quiz. It can be taken by different students at the same time, provided that each one enters a different student id number. Student's progress... |
A typical exercise in a Differential Calculus course is to obtain the equation of a line that is tangent to a function at a value of x. If you graph with different colors several lines that are tangent to a given function, at different values of x,... |
There are some interesting advantages of using "GIF" as the format for the output of a cloud-deployed FormFunction. First a problem: the output of next code is suposed to be a Grid with pink and yellow bakcground, however when deployed in the cloud,... |
Dear community, I am the main author of an old Quantum Mechanics add-on for Mathematica. We are not updating it anymore because we are creating a totally new Quantum Mechanics package, it will be very likely called qmDirac. The old Quantum... |
Coke bottles 2016, created with #Wolfram #Mathematica by my 18-years-old calculus students as the solution to the exercise in this link [Coke exercise in Mathematica][1] ![Coke1][2] ![Coke 2][3] ![Coke 3][4] ![Coke 4][5] EDIT: I have... |
Here is an animated GIF of a classical optimization problem: [Regiomontanus' angle maximization problem][2]. Below I give the Wolfram Language code that shows how to make it. ![Angle maximization problem by Regiomontano][1] i = 0.80; a =... |