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While setting up my new MacBookPro with Mathematica, Workbench and Eclipse, I installed Workbench 3. Unfortunately, I get jlink errors when trying to unit test or open a Notebook from Workbench. I've already opened a support ticket, but it is...
Just wanted to ask if there is any progress on the Edison implementation of the Wolfram Language. Would be great... :-)
The basic idea is using GeoGraphics twice. This basically allows you to put any part of a map inside any geo polygon of another map. The first GeoGraphics produces a rectangular map (in lat-lon coordinates; note the use of...
The second argument of Position is a pattern to look for ?Position Position[expr,pattern] gives a list of the positions at which objects matching pattern appear in expr. Position[expr,pattern,levelspec] finds only objects that...
Good observation. Thank you. Not the case for my Mac, but it might have something to do with the problem. I will pass it on.
I suggest you do the problem with FindMinimum, with the Method option set to LinearProgramming.  That way you can enter the objective function and constraints directly, rather than having to convert the problem to matrix form.
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I have done something similar to this but rather than importing the .mov file I had better luck exporting each frame of the movie to a folder of still images and than running the analysis on the stills.
Here is the application of the n-gram model to text genereation using the full text of the play "Hamlet" as training data:[mcode]text = ExampleData[{"Text", "Hamlet"}]; genTexts = {#, NGramMarkovChainText[text, #, StringSplit[text][[1020...
There was/is an attempt to create a blog that goes along , but unfortunately it hasn't yet picked up momentum. It is not a syndicating site, but it is a blog that is open to anyone who can contribute good...