User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Bogdan, I think that you can also just jump right into the course and acquire basic Wolfram Language skills from the numerous examples in the course. Use "Elementary Introduction ..." as a reference when you run into trouble or want to explore the...
Luke answered this during the chat session during the course today: Format->ScreenStyleEnvironment->"Working" will set the scratch notebook so that scrolling works. Note to the [@Wolfram U][at0] team: I believe it would be helpful to have this be...
Hello Peter, Indeed, as Dave pointed out, you're basically abusing of the [properties of expectation][1]. Notice f(E(x)) is equal to E(f(x)) if f(x) is a linear function. For non-linear functions, f(E(x)) is not equal to E(f(x)). Norm is not a...
Glad to read, Good luck with the exam!
How would I adapt the example with Keccak 256 for the avalance effect example for the Keccack512 hashing function. I tried replacing the instances of 256 with 512 in the example and the one case of 255 with 511 and Keccak256 with Keccak512 but I got...
Thank you. The auto-grader is an interesting creature on its own. Is it one of Wolfram's projects? If it is, please post a link. What are the grading criteria (in addition to the final result), the ideas behind it, how does it learn...? Are there...
That was my original plan. However, after discovering that it has nothing to do with the code and shows up with a set of simplest function, I posted the simple version. Hope things are going well with you, and we will meet again soon. Best. Mo
Rohit, Thanks. Gerry