User Portlet User Portlet

You should also check if there are any other usb receivers pluged into your computer. For my PC removing the usb receiver of a wacom tablett decreased the startup time. However, it didn't solve the other issues where "Formatting Notebook Contents"...
`Maximize` or `NMaximize` is more suitable for that problem. `FindMaximum` tries to find a **local maximum** an uses numarical evaluations. Also see the "Possible Issues" part of the [documentation][1], espacially the part about numerical bumpyness...
If the name of your matrix is mat, than this should do the job: Map[Length, mat, {2}]
It works on my german layout keyboard, but you could also use **Insert -> Inline Free-form Input** ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=8353freeForm.png&userId=292096
You can read [Blanck(_)][1] for more information about the meaning of _ in Mma. [1]:
In Mma v9 the spacing between the BoxWhisker and the frame can be controlled by BarSpacing. For example: data = RandomReal[50, 200]; BoxWhiskerChart[data, Frame -> {{False, False}, {True, True}}, BarSpacing -> 0, BarOrigin -> Left,...