User Portlet User Portlet

I am trying to solve the following equation for x, but it is not working at all. What I am doing wrong? c1 = 1.6*10^(-33) c2 = 5.23*10^(-27) eqn = ExpandAll[(c2/2) + ((1/c1)*(((x^2)/4) + c1)^(1/2)) == Log[(x/2 - ((((x^2)/4) +...
Actually i am looking for 6 coordinates on a straight line defined by these 12 parameters. I do not need exact value. They can be in a cylindrical volume around the line i wish to obtain. How can I involve small uncertainty in the answers so that i...
When operating Reduce[{eq2, eq3}, {L, M}] I get the values of L and M in terms of X. Do you mean that I should put these values in eq1 to get the solution for X and then that value back in L and M? I tried this but still taking forever.
I am trying to solve a system of 6 non-linear equations for 6 variables, but the notebook is continuously running for 2 days. What am I doing wrong? (Notebook attached)