User Portlet User Portlet

Kirill Belov
Thanks a lot Bob! Can I write to the Repository team using the standard form on the site if I want to change the import cell in other packages?
In your screenshot the values for the `equationS`, `equationI` and `equationR` variables are simply not set
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
Thank you, your comment is very helpful. Everything you say is quite feasible in my opinion. I will follow your recommendations and will update my post when I have time for this.
[![enter image description here][1]][2] &[Wolfram Notebook][3] [1]: [2]: ...
Hey! I'll see what the problem might be soon. Can you write me in telegram/email? I want to clarify the details.
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Thank you, yes, I tried to do so and, strange as it may seem, it worked. But this works only for a file on disk. Solution - create a temporary file, but how to send it from RAM, I still do not understand.
## Preamble Several days ago I found this [question][1] in the Community. I think it interesting theme for discussion. Because I want to show how you can using the package [GeologyIO][2]. Something of this article will repeat comments on the...
It was a small mistake in the documentation. Try this: ``` data = CustomImport["path/to/file.segy", "SGY"] ArrayPlot[data] ArrayPlot[data["Traces"][]] (* data["Traces"][] - returns array of numbers *) ``` Or you can download latest version of the...