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The roots: x1 (real {if the the degree of a polynom is odd, than there exists at least one real root}), x2=a+bi & x3=a-bi (complex conjugate of x2). Then x^3 - 12x^2 + 26x -48= (x-x1) * (x-x2) * (x-x3) in C(omplex). Comparing the coefficients: ...
For n=60, DivisorSum[60, # &, Mod[#, 5]==4 &]/DivisorSum[60, # &, Mod[#, 5]==1 &] = 4/(1+6) = 4/7 Is it possible to find a number (or all the numbers for instance less than 10^10), for which this ratio (the sum of those divisors which are...