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In fact, I try to display symbols (words) from Voynich Manuscript (font v101, for presenting results of analysis. I've reproduced the majority of symbols, but some remain invisible or wrong-looking. With use of...
Thanks, Rohit But I suppose that stop words should not crack the words. If **follow-up** is not a stop word, **DeleteStopwords** has to remain it untouched.
Dear experts Sometimes I need to work with a number of different parts of the same notebook, so it is desirable to have 2 or more windows of a document on the screen like below: ![enter image description here][1] This feature is supported in...
Simply. I start typing in the cell with Text style. I press the buttons: 0, =, x, Ctrl+Shift+-, 1, RightArrow,
Sorry, I had to clarify this issue. The second-order terms specified in the command should be collected as usual: Collect[..., x1^2, x2^2, x1*x2, ...]
Recently noticed, that some new text analysis functions require a context. As I understand, they belong to certain package, but documentation doesn't mention it. ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Dear Kay. You can make sure, that Cv is 5-dimentional function-vector. Get[" :\\env.txt"] Plot[{Cv[[1]], Cv[[2]]}, {t, 0, 1}] This gives the following: ![enter image description here][1] Other components of Cv are also...
Thank you, David. This works properly as I need. For some reasons it is more desirable to have an intermediate output, but not finale output of the function.
Thank you, this works, but where the full description of the *SetSystemOptions* function can be found? Documentation Center cannot find "*TypesetOptions*" option: ![enter image description here][1] *Reguards* [1]:...
Thanks, it helped to obtain a solution on the unit interval, but the error NDSolve::berr: There are significant errors ............ remains. As far as I understand, Shooting/Chasing methods can help with this trouble. But how...