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I think i got it. Its the Series function. Is there any other option?
Using AbsoluteDashing in place of Dashed is working.
Hello, I am trying to lable a list of plots. Code is given below ClearAll["Global`*"]; Kn = {0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1}; Subscript[\[Sigma], v] = 0.85; Subscript[\[Alpha], v] = (2 - Subscript[\[Sigma], v])/ Subscript[\[Sigma],...
I'm attempting to plot a 3-D figure, and the code is provided below. ClearAll["Global`*"]; \[Sigma] = 3; M = 120; \[Beta] = Sqrt[\[Sigma]^2 + M^2]; ucap[\[Beta]_, r_] := ( 3 \[Beta]^2 ((1 + r \[Beta]^2) BesselI[0, ...
Thanks Henrik Schachner, it worked. I want to delete those lines and move the axes lable as depicted below ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Thanks Rohit ji
Oh my mistake!! Actually this time I wanted the FindMaxValue[Subscript[Tsum, 0], {r, \[Zeta]}] vs Q (ranging -100 to 200) for epsilon (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4)