User Portlet User Portlet

Thanks Andre, useful to know!
Many thanks, Sander, it works - however, not when deployed on the web. Strange, my idea of exploding a segment is to alert a user to pay attention to a specific data detail. And not the other way round, for a user to find out what may have special...
Thank you for your response, Anton. Please bear in mind that my academic home is the social sciences. Not that we know nothing about maths and statistics, however, we are certainly no mathematicians. As a result, you may find my understanding of...
Thanks Frank, this helps. I need to work on the PDF as the Mathematica Output still differs from the Wolfram Output. At least the full curve gets now displayed. @Dan: thanks, I also figured this out. However, the -4,4 - should come from an...
Shift + 6 for "^" is actually the way your keyboard is installed. It should be displayed on the 6-key, however. What symbol do you have above the 6? I suggest you hold down the Shift key down and press all the keys on your keyboard in turn,...
I found this useful: http : //