User Portlet User Portlet

I have checked the questions you mention and it seems that the answer key is incorrect, so the options we took as correct are wrong. I will update the quiz to reflect the correct answers.
Hi, I'm not sure if you are trying to filter the square with an RLC filter or make the RLC circuit resonate. In the first case, you need to design the filter so it lets pass only the frequency of your pulse and filter out the higher harmonics. ...
The extra variables come from the declaration `extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.TwoPort;`. The TwoPort model adds four pins but also the corresponding voltages and variables (v1, i1, v2, i2). In your case, you are defining the...
In the example TestingInnerOuter_2, my understanding is that when declaring an “inner outer” component it behaves as an outer in its scope, but as inner for its subcomponents. Seems like the problem here is that the modelica compiler is expecting to...
Hi rcoggeshall, I don't have an Arduino DUE at hand to test. But ModelPlug should support all the inputs/outputs reported by the Firmata. You can try to upload a different variation, instead of StandardFirmata try AnalogFirmata and check if more...
Seems like the result you are getting corresponds to: ` Fourier[{0, 1, 2, 3}, FourierParameters -> {1, -1}]`, this produces the result `{6. + 0. I, -2. + 2. I, -2. + 0. I, -2. - 2. I}` which is the one you have in your whiteboard.
Hello Tibor, The nice thing about ModelPlug is that it provides all the communication between SystemModeler and Arduino so you don't have to write any code. In your case you need to write some custom code. You have a two alternatives: 1....
Hi Safi, I tested my Arduino Mega 2560 and I can reproduce the problem. Seems to be something with Windows 10 (maybe other versions of Windows too). Soon we are gonna release a fixed version of ModelPlug. Please contact the support and we will send...
Try with changing the parameter 'UseDTR' in the Arduino model. Some boards like the Arduino Leonardo need this parameter set to 'true', other boards need to be set to 'false'. In the Firmata web page ( ) you can...
Hi Hellmut, I have already posted a few comments on other post I found but I can repeat the answers here. 1.- ModelPlug works with Firmata v2.2 but 2.3 is recommended since it has bugfixes. 2.- ModelPlug is just a library for SystemModeler...