User Portlet User Portlet

Lou D'Andria
*MODERATOR NOTE: This is the notebook used in the livestream "Principles of Dynamic Interfaces" on Wednesday, January 11 -- a part of Wolfram R&D livestream series announced and scheduled here: For questions about this...
Back in the mid-aughts, Wolfram Research released Mathematica 6 to the world, with support for Dynamic and related technologies. This allowed Wolfram Notebook users to easily construct interactive content, including sophisticated user interfaces,...
Yeah.... When you have a mixture of evaluating and non-evaluating cells selected, the behavior of the Cell > CellProperties > Evaluatable menu isn't obvious. I think the two states the OP wants to toggle between are: - set Evaluatable to False...
It's gratifying to see so many people excited to learn about user interface technologies available in the Wolfram Language. Looking forward to the enthusiasm at this upcoming study group!
In LocatorPane, you can use CurrentValue["CurrentLocatorPaneThumb"] to get the index of the currently active thumb. DynamicModule[{active = False, pts = {{1, 1}/2, {-1, 1}/2}}, Row[ {active, LocatorPane[ ...
Well, Manipulate is a lexical scoping construct, like Module. Consider: var = "global"; func[] := var; Module[{var = "local"}, func[]] This correctly returns "global" and not "local", because the var scoped by the Module is different from...
I don't think you're missing anything. Your code looks fine. LocatorPane just isn't supported yet on Wolfram Cloud.
The Manipulate / Locator stuff is mostly irrelevant to understand what's going on here. Given exact input, your SortBy function returns exact expressions, which may be sorted according to their symbolic form, not their numeric value. In[1]:=...
If you wanted to do this for just a single Manipulate, I think it's simplest just to set ContinuousAction -> None, as mentioned in the [b]Manipulate docs[/b]. [mcode]Manipulate[{a,b}, {a,0,1}, {b,0,1},...
Communication between controls and contents is done entirely though variable values. So if you want a control's display to update but some content to not change, then they'll need to be attached to different variables. Here's an example of a single...