User Portlet User Portlet

You can use CellFrameMargins to push the dingbat inside of the background-painted region.  E.g., CellPrint[ Cell["Test", "ItemNumbered", Background -> Orange, CellFrameMargins -> {{25, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}}]]
Innitially I thought the same but, it showed error : not recognized as string..etc.. So I started to play out  the alternatives. Salute!
Danny, thank you for the quick and very effective response. This got me thinking about the generic way. Clearly, we need some definition of the group, as applied to the representation, in my case: [mcode]d4Group = PermutationGroup[{Cycles[{{1, 3,...
I have been using this programming pattern lately: (use Import instead if Import String if needed...) [mcode]XMLdata = ImportString["......",{"HTML","XMLObject"}]; body = Cases[ XMLdata ,XMLElement["body",_,content_]:>content,Infinity][[1]]; ...
Patrick, You are correct. I was confused by the construct Locator[ Dynamic[p], "x"] for example. I assumed that the graphics code was using the display of the element inside locator to know if the user was clicking on the locator or not. I was trying...
Here is a Manipulate that simulates the look of the thermostat: [mcode]DynamicModule[{innerTicRadius=.4,outerTicRadius =.57,tempAngle,targetTemp,targetTempAngle,lowTemp=9,highTemp=32}, tempAngle[temp_]:= (Pi+Pi/4)(temp-highTemp)/(lowTemp-highTemp)+...