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Hi, I was trying to do a program with units. I want to find the intersection point of two functions cau=Quantity[Range[.1,1,.2],"Meters"^3/"Seconds"]; h=Quantity[{100,90,78,64,46},"Meters"]; ...
Thank you Rohit. Great.
Hi To solve the system : x=1700/E^(y/15.5) x=180/E^(y/93.3) I was trying : Solve[x==1700/E^(y/15.5)&&x==180/E^(y/93.3),{x,y}] How can I solve this system with Wolfram Language?
Hello Alpha is related to rugosity Epsilon=.000000046 (*cte*); Diamtubo=0.3 (*pipe diam.*); Alpha=[Epsilon]/Diamtubo=1.53*10^-7
Thank you very much Rohit That is just what I need