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In order to explain my question, I use a trivial function for this discussion. Say I define a function as: limit[tt_, gamma_] := FindRoot[(tt)^(1/2) (-250*((tt)^(-3/2) - t^(-3/2)) + 1/(10^3*t^(1/2))) == 1/gamma, {t, 10^5}][[1]][[2]]; ...
Thank you for your explanation! Here the constants are B=0.00110132, t0=10^6, then you will find the root is larger than 10^6. And let's assume the function I want to integrate is much more complicated than 1 so that we don't have a analytical...
Define source[gamma,t]: source[gamma_, t_] = gamma^(-2.2)*(t0/t)^((1.2)/2)*(1 - gamma*2/3*1.29*10^5*t^(1/2)*(1/t0^(3/2) - 1/t^(3/2)))^(0.2) Define F[x]: F[x_] = Piecewise[{{x*((2^(2/3)*Gamma[2/3]* ...