User Portlet
I worked at industrial research labs in Silicon Valley during the glory years of Moore's law, the years of Dennard scaling. In computer-aided geometric design (CAGD), I suggested labeling the control points of B-spline curves using the polar forms of the curve segments of the spline (polar-forms paper). In joint algorithms work with Bob Tarjan, I developed a weight-scaling algorithm for min-cost matchings in bipartite graphs (matchings paper).
Now retired, I have studied various geometric topics, including Daniel P. Stråhle's elegant 1743 straightedge-and-compass construction for approximating the frets on a guitar fretboard (fret paper) and the modulii space of all possible shapes of an equilateral pentagon in the Euclidean plane (pentagons paper).
I enjoy Scottish country dancing (SCD) --- in my photo, I'm dressed for a ball; and I play backup piano for SCD in fiddle bands (recent recordings).