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Ok i did now. Why f must be negative? |
and as if to add it as a condition to create only ellipse [CapitalDelta] = -c d^2 + 2 b d f - a f^2 - b^2 g + a c g; j = -b^2 + a c; i = a + c; If[[CapitalDelta] != 0 && j > 0 && [CapitalDelta]/i 0 ?/I |
how to add KKT conditions to make ellipse and hyperbolas to this: q = {Off[NMinimize::eit]; Off[NMinimize::lstol]; DynamicModule[{rng, ptk, szumx, szumy, final}, Panel[Column[{"Theta z przedzia?u od 0 do:", ... |
i replace Show to Grid q = {application code}; Grid[{{q, q}, {q, q}}] and i have what i wanted, topic end ![image][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=5625porownanie.jpg&userId=254767 |
I did not want post a new topic so this will hold further. How to add asymptote moved with hyperbole Manipulate[ ContourPlot[ Evaluate[x^2/a^2 - y^2/b^2 == 1], {x, -25, 25}, {y, -25, 25}, Frame -> False, Axes ->... |
how to do it in Mathematica public Alfabet(string input) { alfabetDict = new Dictionary (); napis = input.ToCharArray(); } public void AlfabetCreate_All() { ... |