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A mathematica file is attached here. In this file, I am trying to solve a non linear system of equations. But, NSolve is taking too long to give resulls. How to get quick and correct results ??
This seems to work. A file is attached here.
How to solve the following nonlinear system of equations ??? mm = 10; h = 1/mm; nn = 10000; k = 0.1/nn; (*initial condition*) Table[w[i, 0] = N[Sin[\[Pi]*i*h]], {i, 0, mm}]; (*boundary condition*) Table[w[0, j]...
How to evaluate the following definite integral ??? Integrate[Exp[(Cos[\[Pi] x] - 1)/(2 \[Pi])] Cos[n*\[Pi]*x], {x, 0, 1}]
Thanks a lot. Yes, you are right. I was confused by the negative and positive signs. But , when I quit local kernel (or restart mathematica) and Evaluate the two integrals then Integrate and NIntegrate give the same the same value.
I implement the following FINITE DIFFERENCE SCHEME in Mathematica but I do not get the right answer ( highlighted column in the table). Kindly help me get the right answer. ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description...
Actually I am trying to implement an explicit fininte difference scheme given in a research paper. This time mathematica is solving system of equations but the answer is incorrect. v = 1; m = 10; h = 0.1; t = 0.1; k = 0.00001; jj = 10000; r...
The domain may be obtained as follows Reduce[(4 - x^4) >= 0, x] -Sqrt[2]
Thanks a lot ! NIntegrate works.
In[1]:= Integrate[Integrate[x^5 E^(y^2), {y, x^2, 2.25}], {x, 0, 1.5}] Out[1]= 53.5678