User Portlet
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Such a beautiful work. Thank you for sharing. I am glad artists are joining this community :-) It's a rare thing to see the technology process exposed in making the art, especially coming from the artists. It will educate and encourage others. |
This looks awesome, thanks for sharing! But how does this work? It would be interesting to see the code. If you want to know how to post code - here is a guide: |
# Basic syntax of built-in functions - **All built-in functions start from capital letters and are in [CamelCase][1] for compound names.** Users of many other programming languages might miss this as they are used to different conventions.... |
There are many places where you can find Mathematica Slideshows, created not only by users but also Wolfram Research. For example, these free training courses very often have a notebook of the course... |
Great, I was always wondering how to set this up, thanks for sharing! Could you edit your post and add photos of your setup and Raspberry Pis? It would be very nice to see! |
This is absolutely marvelous! I did see quite a few nicely "recognizable" shapes. That is the same story of seeing shapes in the clouds or constellations in stars. But what it really reminds me of is [shadowgraphy or ombromanie][1]: ![enter image... |
This is a beautiful exploration [@Clayton Shonkwiler][at0], thank you for sharing. And thank you for keeping the promise to reveal more math behind the scenes. [at0]: |
Beautiful. And thanks for the explanation. I am finding myself going on a loop reading through it ;-) So there is basically so much more math behind this animation. I was watching your animation posts for quite awhile already. And I got a sense that... |
Bill, these are very pretty, indeed, thank you very much for sharing! Here is another video hosted by Henry's channel: [Developing terdragon curve][1]. [![enter image description here][2]][1] [1]: |
Have you seen this? - where you can find [The Mathematica Story: A Scrapbook][1] with a button to "Contribute your thoughts, pictures, and stories". ![enter image description here][2] [1]:... |