User Portlet User Portlet

Mathematica does not currently solve these type of problems, which we're very much aware of. In Mathematica 10 we have introduced a wide range of new capabilities to DSolve and related functionality, these can be exposed by the "Show changes" button...
Happy New Year Tim! Is this similar to what you wanted? It's a bit of a toy as I'm just passing by on a Sunday evening, note I've used Dynamic around all the instances of the label rather than TabView as I didn't want the whole element to be...
I may have misunderstood, but if you're interested in pages rather than profiles you can do the following:SocialMediaData[{"Facebook", "mathematica"}, "Properties"] For instance we can see how busy my colleagues are updating the...
I'm 1/2 way through hoping he'll find a Sierpinski triangle in a financial data set to excuse me reading this in meeting prep time, but somehow I don't think I'm in charge. [quote]You might be wondering why we don't just ask a biologist about these...
I'd like to be able to show a huge number of graphics to people quickly, I know about ListAnimate but that only shows one image at a timeListAnimate[countryMaps=(CountryData[#, "Shape"] & /@ CountryData[])[[1;;100]]] Pane has the...
I am indeed. Should've checked the output of Names before posting. I don't have Mathematica access for a while, does ToExpression on Slot fix this appropriately? Thanks for not ribbing on me, Chris.
Thanks Vitaliy! That's exactly what seems to be needed in this case. I will add Rosetta Code to my list of "how on Earth do I do this?" sites - I'd completely forgotten Jon's post despite watching him write some of it.
You may find it convenient to use a different context for each notebook, i.e. symbols defined in one notebook will not appear in another notebook. You can find this option in the menubar under Evaluation -> Notebook's Default Context -> Unique to...
Hmm, good point (and one I should have noticed). The behaviour seems to be automated and odd, as in Module[{y, z, a, b}, a = y + z; b = 2*a]; Names["@$@"] Hopefully someone else can provide more information, as I'm interested as well.
DynamicModule and it's ilk make new variables via $ModuleNumber, for instance: DynamicModule[{var}, Dynamic@var] The way I would get around your issue with the labels of the SetterBar is by providing labels:[mcode]DynamicModule[{x, y},...