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The coordinates z and x of each point has to be in curly brackets, like below: un = Table[ { { z[[i]], x[[i]] }, vunorm[[i]] }, {i, 1, Length[vunorm] } ]
Try with applying the watershed segmentation directly to the ridge lines: ridgelines = RidgeFilter[bin, 3] // ImageAdjust wsc = WatershedComponents[ridgelines, seeds]; wsc // Colorize HighlightImage[img, wsc // Image // Binarize...
There may be a "cleaner" way to do this, but from a practical standpoint you can just limit the range of your Sin function to [0,Pi) and create individual plots for a discrete values os "t" that you can later export as a list of images: ...
The RepleaceAll approach leads to the same result of the DeleteCases . At least in my v. 11.0.1 In[7]:= (DeleteCases[y, _. x^Optional[_?OddQ]]) == (y /. _^exp_ /; OddQ[exp] -> 0) Out[7]= True
I'm not sure I got right your question. Are you looking for something like this? nmax = 15; Manipulate[ ListPlot[Table[{x[i] = x[i - 1] + (2/n), Y[i] = Y[i - 1] + (2/n) f[x[i - 1], Y[i - 1]]}, {i, 1, n}], ...
"MaskedImage" isn't quite the right property you should use for this purpose. Try instead to extract the mask for each component, as done with the code below: SetOptions[Image, ImageSize -> 200]; masks = Image /@ ...
Try and see if the attached version of your initial code fits your needs. I wasn't exactly sure what data you wished to plot in the ListPlot3D, so you may have to play with that. The output should look like the image here below ![enter image...