User Portlet User Portlet

Please excuse me if the question has already been answered somewhere else, but I was not able to find it. Could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong here? The solution of DSolve is of course correct (u[t,x] = 5tx, u[1,10]/.sol = 50), but the one of...
Hi dear community, just a quick question (mainly for those who are also familiar with ABAQUS or other comparable FEM programs and non-linear modelling of mechanical behavior, e.g., plasticity). Is there any module in the FEM environment in...
Hi Marco, thank you very much, I though it could not be that easy with the new finite elements since I do not know if that works with the new DirichletConditions. It seems that using FEM I have to specifically impose the conditions on the boundary...
Hi dear community, I have a question about the automatic recognition of boundary regions on which conditions are imposed and the discretization and solution with finite elements. Consider the example in the Mathematica documentation ...
Hi Ivan, thank you very much. That was completely bananas! Thank you again for your time!