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Hello Mohamed, I am also new to Mathematica. Can I ask you how did you calculate the path matrix (M) in your attached file?
If you cross post the same question on multiple forums, please always mention this and include links. This is so people will be aware of any existing solutions ... *...
Hi. path = FindPath[g,1,4,Infinity,All] {{1,2,4},{1,2,3,4}} rules = PropertyValue[g,EdgeLabels] {3 4->D,2 4->C,1 2->A,2 3->B} EdgeList/@(PathGraph/@path) /.rules {{A,C},{A,B,D}} As a side note, notice that you...
Try and enter the function name in the *search documentation* field.
Thank you sir. It worked. :)
Thank you sir. Thanks a lot. I have tried by arranging the vertex list and got the correct answer. :)