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Can I use this functionality to import a .xls from an URL dynamically? Im trying to get my program to import a .xls for manipulation, I need to import the .xls at an url location dynamically, I did have this at the beginning of my code: url...
Manipulate[ t = Quiet[ Check[Import[url], {{"error, please provide a valid link"}}]]; Pane[TableForm[t], {Full, 300}, Scrollbars -> True, AppearanceElements -> None] , {{url, ""}, InputField[Dynamic[url], String, ImageSize -> {500,...
Yes that works, im getting quite high numbers not sure if Im squaring it in the right place but it does what its supposed to do, thank you very mutch :)
I see you're a fan of recursion
Oh, its not importing again :/
I have tried using this `SetDirectory[ DirectoryName[ ToFileName["FileName" /. NotebookInformation[SelectedNotebook[]]]]]` and then used `t = Import[ "FileName\\RegressionExample.xls"];` But what is the correct way?
I made further progress,; This function here DefineRSS[a_, b_, c_] := Block[{output}, output = ((a*3) + (b*2) + c); rss = (Sum[(zcol[i] - (a*xcol[i] - b*ycol[i] - c))^2, {i, 1, Length[t1]}]); ...
I would know how to do this in an object orientated language, it would be something like this: int rss = null; int Define_RSS(int a, int b, int c, int d){ int output = (code functionality) rss = (some more...
I hope this code gives a rough Idea of what I am trying to do, can someone tell me how I've gone about using manipulate in the wrong way and how I might look to restructure this existing code? What I require it to do is allow me to manipulate the...
Okay thank you thats nice and simple, I hope to use the x and y coefficients to calculate a sum of squares using data from a 3d table, should the calculations be within the square brackets? or would it be to much work for the processor and im better...