User Portlet User Portlet

Richard, you could use NumericArray to reduce storage and then export the list with DumpSave. byteArray = NumericArray[RandomInteger[{0, 30}, 300 * 10^6], "UnsignedInteger8"] ByteCount[byteArray] ...
Hello Henrik, so apparently I misunderstood your post, thank you for pointing this out to me. In particular, I was mislead by ...can only be applied on the integrand.... Since we are dealing with a vanishing denominator, it makes sense to use ...
You can devide the cell into two cells, the first one holding the URLs and the second on the calculation. Then you format the 1st cell as "text" and not as "input" -> the URLs are nicely aligned. Now you could also drop the comment statement and you...
Hello Marek, the plateau is not shown due to the plotrange that Mathematica decided. Use Plot[y[x]/.sol, {x,0,2000},PlotRange-> All] Regards, Michael
Hans showed very nice how to calculate the moment of inertia. If one is only interested in the result one can use the function provided by Mathematica which has a similiar interface compared to the function of Hans. Main difference is that not a list...
The equation should hold for arbitrary x, therefore the terms in the bracket has to be zero sol= Flatten[Solve[(- \[Omega]^2 m + I \[Omega] c + k) == 0, \[Omega]]] The solutions provides two expressions for omega which in general are a...
You have to change the expression for b: b = {-k1*c, 0, -k3*c}
Hello Bailen, the enormous computation time is in my opinion caused by the fact that your calculation uses exact number in an expression with many terms. If the goal is just to visualize the main features of the result, you can use numerical...
Since Mathematica can do many caclulations symbolic, you can build a small symbolic weighted data list and use this: wdata2 = WeightedData[Array[v, 3], Array[w, 3]] Here you get the formula how Mean and Variance are calculated ...
If you feed a list to PDF as the 2nd argument it ussumes that you want to calculate the multivariate PDF (ceck the documentation). I guess this is not what you intended. To compute the PDF for several x values you can use for instance Map ...