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Hi Jonathan - I've been working in a similar vein for some time. I appreciate your approach with FoldList and, like you, have struggled to put the parts together - so use loops everywhere. Your post helped me see how much of this simple trade... |
Good timing. I'll have a look at the URL and give you some feedback. I recently notice [][1] and have been testing it. Just today I noticed the community post Wolfram Notebook... |
Hi Jan, Im excited about this direction! I got your examples going and wanted to take a next step but, Im stumbling. I use the ReactJS library extensively. When I saw you are using document.getElementById('container') light bulbs started... |
Anton, I particulary appriciate your work on feature engenering and normalization scoping. These methods adding to the others in your monad construct process is becoming very potent. Much thanks! |
Right! I'm game. I'll ping you because there are always so many details to consider and organize in this type of integration. |
I'm not at all sure what your goal is but as you are new to Mathematica I'm going to make some assumptions and offer the following. Make a function f[x_] := x So when the variable x = 1: f[1] > 1 and when the variable x =... |
I uploaded the files but have not bothered to open them in EXCELL. Rather, I import them directly into Mathematica and start 'blind'. This loads all the files into a list of files. ClearAll[rawFiles] rawFiles[S1] = Import["c:\\" "your... |
Great work! As a user of this process and these methods, I'm excited that the use of rather simple language can produce sophisticated, yet approachable, results. |
If I'm not certain what your end goal is or what the values are, but with a few assumptions on my part perhaps the following is helpful. Starting with you test list, I make a dataset testDS[S1] = #[[2]]|> & /@ test|> // Dataset where... |
Much thx! |